90 minutes of crystal singing bowls, guided meditation, and ear acupuncture for stress relief.
Forces within our daily lives cause our mind and body to unbalance, manifesting as stress, agitation, muscle tension, headaches, sleep disturbances, anxieties, low moods, and more. Join Stephanie Murray, Owner and Acupuncturist from Acu Room on a journey for both the mind and body back towards balance using acupuncture. Bianca from Our Indigo Life will play a set of crystal Chakra-attuned sound bowls to immerse you in the most wonderful, tranquil, restful, healing and restorative sound bath.
As you surrender to the mat in an extended Savasana and allow the frequencies to work through you. Enjoy and embrace the resonance surrounded by an ambient atmosphere curated for your enjoyment. Expect to leave feeling refreshed, restored, and renewed.
Time & Location
16 Apr, 18:30 – 20:00 Arch Barn, Harewood Holistics
To book your place visit
28 May, 18:30 – 21:00
Arch Barn, Harewood Holistics
To book your place visit